Craft Ideas: Easy-to-Make Potted Arrangements

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Craft Ideas: Easy-to-Make Potted Arrangements

A simple potted arrangement can make a great centerpiece or favor for a wedding or shower.

It‘s quite easy to create and your guests will think you’re a pro when they see the finished product.

Craft Ideas: Easy-to-Make Potted Arrangements

• Potted herbs or flowers of your choice
• Coordinated tin (potted plant will fit in)
Decorative embellishments for tin: ribbon, monogrammed letters, fabric, themed picks
• Glue gun

The tins can be decorated in a variety of ways to match any theme. Below are a few samples to help you get started:

• Using a hot glue gun, decorate a clean dry tin with decorative embellishments, monograms or thank you labels.
• Place potted plant in tin.
• Decorate with ribbon and add themed wire clip if desired to potted arrangement.

Craft Ideas: Easy-to-Make Potted Arrangements

For more craft and DIY ideas visit

Craft Ideas: Easy-to-Make Potted Arrangements is a regular guest blogger of Wedding Obsession

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