Moving Day–Part 2!

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

It’s moving day….again! Yes, I just moved like 3 weeks ago, but if you remember, I had this weird 3-week gap between old and new leases. I signed the new lease a few days ago, but haven’t had a spare moment to move! Luckily, my awesome friend Tim is coming over in a little bit to help me with the heavy stuff. I will be the first to admit: after 6 years and 11 moves, I am SO over it! Hopefully I will be able to buy a house next fall (that’s the plan anyway!) and that will be the end of my moves….keep your fingers crossed!

School has also been super hectic, along with some personal issues (which I am going to avoid!) I seriously have the absolute worst prof for one of my classes and it is making a simple course far more complicated and confusing than it ever should be! I spend so much time trying to decipher what he wants from us so that adds extra DAYS of work each week! Luckily, it is an 8-week course and we are on week 6, so I only have to suffer through him for two more weeks. Honestly, why teach if you aren’t interested in it?!!

In other news, it is so hot! I can’t believe it’s fall and October and we are still getting temps in the 80s, and sometimes 90s! Where is my ski weather?!!!!!

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