Scary face!

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

So Vermont was a lot of fun and the wedding was beautiful! It was at the Trapp Family Lodge and the leaves could not have been any more colorful! Kim and I kept commenting on how pretty everything was–ranging from the downtown street in Stowe all the way to restaurant where we ate dinner!–but I think it was just because it is soooo different from Colorado. I remember New England from when I lived there, but it has been a few years since I’ve been back. It’s always a total trip to soak in all the different architecture, tree, surroundings, and the people….the mentality is totally different. The one thing that I think definitely categorizes me as a true Colorado girl, however, is the need for SPACE! We were driving from New Hampshire to Vermont and I made the comment to Kim that, although I loved all the dense foliage and beautiful deciduous forests, I felt slightly claustrophobic. I’m so used to the BIG sky and wide OPEN spaces of Colorado that I don’t think I could ever give that up. I like being able to see a rainstorm from 50 miles away 🙂 Regardless, the wedding was beautiful and Bos and Leah made an adorable bride and groom!

(In other ironic news, my August, 2011 is already almost completely full with next season weddings! This is getting absurd!!)

On an entirely different note, I guess I have a scary face. I don’t think that’s good! It started a week or two ago when I was driving back from the grocery story. My mom apparently drove by me on her scooter and said that I looked serious….like scary serious, in her words. Then, a couple days ago, I was riding my bike back from the library when she was driving around, and again, she told me that my face didn’t have its usual cheerfulness. Finally, I came into the office this morning and one of my employees asked me if I was doing okay. I was like yeah, I’m great, thanks, but why? She told me that my face didn’t have my usual smile and that I looked awfully serious, so she thought something was wrong. Hmmmm. I definitely  have a lot going on in my life right now, and I think it might be starting to show on my face. Yikes! Not good!

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