Out like a trout!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Its that time of the year–I’m off! Heading out to Egypt in the morning (and my guess is going via Amman which will be an entirely different story, but that depends on how the flights look!) and I couldn’t be more excited! The pyramids, Valley of the Kings, the Red Sea…..oh my! I really want to go on a camel trek and I am really excited to check out the Sinai peninsula for some reason. I’m not religious so it doesn’t make much sense….but I’m excited! I’M GOING TO EGYPT!!!

Another thing really quick that I wanted to note–my best friend is so cool! She was on 9News last night as the nurse talking about fireplace burns for little kids. She works with so many kids with various ailments every single day and I honestly don’t know how she ever does it….but they all love her! Check out the printed copy of the story from the website!

See you on the flip side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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