I’m Back!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Wicked jet lagged and not really functioning, but I’m back. Everytime I travel somewhere it absolutely amazes me how much jet lag messes with you! Egypt is 9 hours ahead of Colorado time so I’m thinking it will take a few days!

In light of that, I am not really feeling up to writing a whole bunch yet, but I’ll give the basics:
1. Riding camels. Very cool even though my butt hurt like hell for a week.
2. Pyramids of Giza. How could they not be the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen?
3. The city of Luxor. I actually really enjoyed the place despite all the chaos.
4. Climbing Mt. Sinai. It’s always fun to get the views from another part of the world.
5. Realizing Spanish works everywhere. I asked for directions on the street and turns out he only spoke Arabic and Spanish. Coincidence? I think not!

1. Haggling. It was one thing in South America but Egypt takes this to a whole new level. And I can’t even understand what they are saying around me because I don’t understand Arabic. They take the whole “rip off the tourist” game to an entirely new stratosphere
2. Cab rides. Always a negotiation on price. And then you agree and they harass you the whole day to get more.
3. The caleche drive at Giza. Brad and him almost came to blows in front of the Great Pyramid. Enough said.
4. Salt water showers. Major desert environment = not a lot of water in the Sinai. They try to desalinate the water but I walked around feeling very salty for quite a few days 🙂
5. Constantly getting harassed because I am female. At first, it was fun. Oh, you’ll give my dad 400 camels for me? I look like Claudia Schiffer? Thanks, I like my eyes too, I guess. But when it was happening every 2 feet, I started to be over it. Let me walk in peace, thanks!

All in all, it was a great trip that wetted the appetite for another. I’ll definitely write a better summary soon when I am feeling a little less weird!

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