Latest Obsession: Glittered Soles

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Happy Monday morning blogettes! And happy belated thanksgiving to all my American readers.

I’m actually writing this post in my new office. SO excited. It’s nothing yet except a room full of boxes and a bed sheet covering the curtain till I find the right one, but it’s HOME. Home sweet home.

I wanted to share another latest obsession with you because they’re a blast to come up with. This next one is all about the shoes! It’s always about the shoes… Check out these glittered soles which are an easy DIY project. We all know that when we try to break in our wedding heels, the bottoms get scuffed and it’s not entirely pleasing. And unless you’ve got the red soles of Christian Louboutins, you aren’t likely going to show the soles of your heels off. So why not glitter them up and show them off? The same goes for writing you & your soon-to-be husband’s initials or cut-out hearts. It’s nice to add a bit of glam to an otherwise overlooked detail.

All you need is your favorite pair of heels, mod podge, glitter and a sealant. Easy as can be.

Check out the links below for some pictured tutorials.

Latest Obsession: Glittered Soles

The Kurtz Corner:
– Large Glitter Tutorial
– Fine Powder Tutorial
Restyle, Restore, Rejoice

{images: top left: The Kurtz Corner | top right: never naked blog | bottom left: sweet xanga | bottom right: The Kurtz Corner }

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