Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

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Blush Wedding Photography finishes off a fantastic week by sharing this soft & dreamy engagement held near the water in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I immediately fell in love with Bonnie & Andrew’s style. Bow ties and tutus!

Says Bonnie: I’ve always loved seeing old pictures of those 30’s movie stars in black and white. I wanted to bring that to our photo shoot. So I tried to choose clothes, makeup and a hairstyle that would bring that flavour to our pictures.

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

How did you two meet?

My partner and I had met several years earlier in Vancouver through friends and then we lost touch with each other for years. Then all of a sudden I got this message on FaceBook from my partner. At that time I was in Hong Kong, and we spent hours talking on Skype and getting to know each other again, and then when I returned from Hong Kong we started going out once again.

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

Tell us about the proposal!

My partner and I already had a son together 2 years ago, but at the time we were so busy with getting ready to have our son that we really didn’t think about marriage at that time. Then last Valentines, my partner came home and brought with him a gift. Turns out that gift was him proposing to me. I was totally surprised as we hadn’t really ever talked about marriage since our son was born. We already had a child and we were happy. When he handed me the gift he made it seem like such a normal thing, so I was more expecting chocolates or something like a Valentines gift. When I opened and saw the diamond, I just froze for a moment, and then he said, “I’m already lucky enough to have such a wonderful family, but maybe its time to complete the picture with having you by my side as my wife.” I was so happy to hear these words.

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

Dreamy Vancouver Engagement

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