2016 Kane Coyote Hunt Jan. 22-24
The 2016 Kane Coyote Hunt will be held January 22-24. The hunt will begin at 12:00 am on Friday Jan.22 and conclude at 12:00 am on Monday January 24. Coyote hunters will spend 3 days hunting for coyotes in the forested hills of Pennsylvania. There will be prizes and payouts based on the number of participants. There is a $10 entry fee per person. You must register by Jan. 21 at 6pm. Register at Paul’s Trading Post or by mailing in the entry form. Registration forms can be sent to you by calling Paul’s Trading Post at (814) 964-6504. Participants must show a valid hunting license at all of the weigh in stations.
For more information please call: 814-945-6504
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