Comments About Your Engagement Ring that Make You Say WTF?

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Comments About Your Engagement Ring that Make You Say WTF?

What is the rudest comment you’ve gotten so far about your engagement ring? Here are some of the ones I’ve heard:

“Oh good, it’s not that big!”

Um, what?

“Your sister’s is bigger, right?”


These comments are from two different people. Why do women focus so much on the size, shape, and style of other people’s engagement rings?

Here’s some background on my ring. Stephen and I had talked about marriage for about a year before he proposed. We always knew that’s where we were heading.

Before we were engaged, we looked at rings for fun and he knows what style I liked. The winning moment was when we saw a Tiffany’s ad on a bus shelter. “Let me guess which one you like best!” he said. And he guessed right. Right then and there, I knew I could trust him to pick a ring that’s right for me.

We also talked about how much he should spend on the ring. I know the two-months-salary rule and I think it’s pretty ridiculous. I’d much rather we spend that kind of money on furniture, a vacation, or even just put it away for a rainy day. I knew that anything over $2,500 was not something I could accept without guilt.

To wear a big engagement ring would go against everything I believed in. I don’t wear brand names or buy designer hand bags. I dislike wearing anything that is supposed to show prestige or wealth. To be fair, I’m not very wealthy. But I’d like to think that even if I had the money, I wouldn’t spend thousands of dollars on something “showy” just to make a point.

I would’ve been perfectly happy wearing an inexpensive ring, as long as the style matched what I liked. In fact, I did see one that cost $800 that I said to Stephen I wouldn’t mind wearing. He dismissed it, saying that $800 was way too little to spend on my engagement ring. “I can’t spend less than what I spend on Whitecaps seasons tickets!” he said.

Comments About Your Engagement Ring that Make You Say WTF?

My ring is perfect for me. Not only because it is the exact style I wanted, but because Stephen selected it for me, with the intention of asking me to be his partner for life.

Size was never an issue. It was always about what the ring meant. I just wish other people would get that.

What about you? What is the rudest comment you have ever heard about your engagement ring, or somebody else’s engagement ring?

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