Canadohta Lake ice fishing tourney moved to Feb. 18

12:35 Steampunk 0 Comments

The ice fishing contest scheduled for Saturday on Canadohta Lake has been postponed until Feb. 18.

VanTassel’s Timberland Bait ’s annual tournament is scheduled to award as much as $500 to anglers who catch the longest fish in a classification.

Weather permitting, the rescheduled contest will run from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A tournament scheduled for Feb. 4 on Conneaut Lake was postponed to Feb. 25 a week ago because of insufficient ice.

In each event, the longest musky brings $500, the longest pike $325, and the longest perch and crappie $50 each.

Registration is $15 for each tournament at Timberland Bait, 36320 Dutch Hill Road, Union City. Registration also will be available the morning of the Conneaut Lake tournament.

For information, call (814) 694-3474 or (814) 882-8369, or visit .

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