Canadohta Lake ice fishing tourney moved to Feb. 18
The ice fishing contest scheduled for Saturday on Canadohta Lake has been postponed until Feb. 18.
VanTassel’s Timberland Bait ’s annual tournament is scheduled to award as much as $500 to anglers who catch the longest fish in a classification.
Weather permitting, the rescheduled contest will run from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A tournament scheduled for Feb. 4 on Conneaut Lake was postponed to Feb. 25 a week ago because of insufficient ice.
In each event, the longest musky brings $500, the longest pike $325, and the longest perch and crappie $50 each.
Registration is $15 for each tournament at Timberland Bait, 36320 Dutch Hill Road, Union City. Registration also will be available the morning of the Conneaut Lake tournament.
For information, call (814) 694-3474 or (814) 882-8369, or visit .
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