Yes..No…Maybe so? Advice please!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

My name is Melissa and I am a wedding-oh-holic. You know you are obsessed with weddings when you literally visit home decor stores at least once every 2 weeks and when you’re out you can’t help but notice anything that’s part of your “color palette”. I swear, Jason is going to take my credit card from me one day and condemn me to a day without weddings. I spent an entire afternoon last weekend at my favorite store Home Sense and literally wanted to take the entire store home. Immediately as I walked through the store doors, there it was…a table full of green & black stationary objects which were marketed as “office” items. But to me, I could care less what they’re meant for…but instead I fall immediately in love with the color and end up figuring out how I can make it work in the wedding. So…now I’m stuck with the item at home with a couple ideas of my own on how to use it. But I’d love to hear what you suggestions you have!

Yes..No…Maybe so? Advice please!
Options I can think of:
1. Seating Chart. The first box would be labeled “A-L” and the second “M to Z”. The escort cards would be lined up inside and the box would be similar to a library catalogue filing cabinet…
2. One that I think is more realistic….a gift card box. I initially thought about using a suitcase but scrapped the idea when I realized I wanted something worn and vintage (still on the lookout…). But would people understand that they can put their cards inside without stating the obvious tacky signage “thank you for your gift!”. yuck.
3. Just decor…fill the drawers with flowers….or use the box as a stand for something else.
4. Keep it for the home office and be done with it! But oh how I love how the color’s so purrrrrfect for the wedding.

Yes, I am slowly going crazy.

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