Sponsored Post: Essential itinerary for the day before your wedding

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As the song goes, “you’re getting married in the morning..!” The months of planning have finally led you to this one special day you’ve been dreaming about for so long.

By now, everything should be in place to ensure that you and your groom have a magical day filled with your family, friends and loved ones. You’ve got your dress, your flowers are on their way, and your relatives are arriving at the airport. Now all you have to do is wait, breathe and relax.

Here are a few tips for ensuring that you’re in the right state of mind before your big day.

Sponsored Post: Essential itinerary for the day before your wedding

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Get pampered

Spend the day before your wedding doing something just for you – ideally something totally unrelated to the wedding. Whether it’s getting a massage, a mani-pedi or taking a yoga class, having a few hours to concentrate only on yourself will be a welcome escape before a day of being constantly surrounded by people.

Spend time with family

Spend time with the most important people before your big day. If there are people who’ve come to visit from out of state, you may want to spend quality time with them. Whether you met your fiancé at school, through friends or on a dating site like eHarmony.ca , you’ll both want to spend time getting to know one another’s families. So, as long as it doesn’t cause too much stress, cherish a moment of quiet with them if you can.

Eat right

Chances are you’ve been watching what you’ve been eating in the lead up to your wedding. The day before should be no exception. It’s especially important to eat carefully and in a way that’s really right for your body.

You’re already likely to be nervous about the big day, so it’s best to avoid anything that might upset your stomach. Have a hearty breakfast of scrambled egg whites and veggies to get you through your busy day. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and avoid anything with sugar, alcohol or caffeine, if you possibly can. These tend to cause spikes in energy and mood, and you don’t want to wake up on the morning of your wedding with a hangover!

Drink some soothing green tea to keep butterflies at bay, and enjoy a light dinner before an early night.

Sponsored Post: Essential itinerary for the day before your wedding
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Double check

You’ll feel better about waking up on your wedding day when you know that everything’s all set and ready to go. Make a list of every last thing you have to think about before walking down the aisle and spend some time the day before going over it. Utilize your friends or bridesmaids to help you double check the last few things on your list.

Whether you met through friends or online – perhaps by trying out Catholic dating to find someone who shares your beliefs and values – you’ve got your man, and you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to “make it to the church on time”!

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