Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

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I am always so happy when I receive a contemporary wedding. Often it’s limted decor allowing the character of the unique venue to stand out. Garin and Michelle first met in Grade 9. She ended up moving away so they lost touch but fate had them run into each other years later in Australia while backpacking with their own friends. 7 years of love followed and now we get to see their lovely union captured by A Brit & A Blonde . Enjoy this totally fun and pretty wedding!

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

What was your fave part of the day?

The whole day went so perfectly that it’s hard to pick. To be honest, besides the hot weather outside we enjoyed the couples photo session after we got married because it was a chance for the two of us to spend (almost alone) time together before getting swept up in all the festivities.

We also loved just mingling around and socializing with everyone – and late night dancing on the rooftop.

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

What were your fave details?

We just loved our venue: that wall in the one room with the exposed brick was fab and the rooftop patio – it was great for Caesars during cocktail hour with the Toronto skyline as our back drop.

We also liked the laid back vibe of our wedding – it was just a really fun time with all our favorite people. And everyone just happened to dressed well, and well fed. Good times.

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

Do you have any advice for future grooms/brides-to-be?

Stay calm and trust your gut! I over thought so many details along the way, evaluated so many options and everyone’s opinion, but at the end, I usually came back to my first choice. You know what your style is as a couple, so try to tune out the feedback from others and just go with your intuition – it will all come together beautifully!

Contemporary Grey & Pink Wedding in Toronto

From the photographers: Michelle & Garin both work in the ad agency world of Toronto. They chose the perfect downtown Toronto location for their big day – right in the middle of Queen Street West coolness with the best rooftop outdoor patio ever.  They both have tons of great friends so they opted for a fairly large wedding party on both sides. They bucked the tradition of having a sit down dinner where everyone has “reserved” seats and opted for great fun food stations serving up deliciousness for all their guests. And tons of tables where you can sit down where you like and mix and mingle with everyone vs. feeling “stuck at a table”. It seems like a small thing but it really provided such a fun, relaxed atmosphere and allowed many people to meet new friends which is always rad. For dessert those yummy cake pops really hit the spot! Since we were right downtown we took Michelle & Garin all around the neighbourhood for their couples photos – we love finding really cool and different unexpected places to do wedding photos and inspiration was everywhere. We took them to the coolest black and white graffiti wall in Toronto in a back alley a few blocks from the venue. And to the Lomography store on Queen Street west! Which was uber duber fun. Lomography is essentially an “old school” camera shop that sells rad Lomo cameras that use….film! The result is always something cool and different (think hipstamatic app). We had a grande ole’ time shooting in there. And of course the Burroughes Building itself is pure awesome for photos. Love!

Photographer: A Brit & A Blonde
Wedding dress designer: Ivy & Aster
Bridal jewerly: White Toronto
Bridemaid’s dresses: Ivy & Aster from White Toronto
Mason jars and bottles: Craigslist
Hair/Makeup: Civello
Venue: The Burroughes
Catering: en ville
Postcards: Zazzle
Mail Box: Home Depot

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