A successful hunt

11:21 Steampunk 0 Comments

The call came this morning at 7:10 a.m.
As soon as I saw the number on my cell phone I knew what the call meant: Andy got one.
This is the guy who had let bird after bird walk past him.
Finally, he found one that had annoyed him so much that he had to kill it.
“He’s going to die!” he shouted into the phone Monday night. The bird had that morning “gobbled his freakin’ head off” while on the limb and then flew down 200 yards away — well out of range of Andy’s gun.
This was the second or third day the bird had done this, making Andy look like a fool.
So, this morning, Andy set up near the landing zone.
Again, the bird gobbled and gobbled on the limb.
And then, at 6:05 a.m., if flew down just like he had for three or four days — and directly into Andy’s lap.
“I shot him when his feet were about 6 inches off the ground,” Andy announced proudly.
It wasn’t the biggest bird he’d seen this season — 8.5-inch beard and ¾-inch spurs — but it was the one that finally got Andy’s goat.

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