Thanks, Mr. Harvey

10:43 Steampunk 0 Comments

If you’re a fly fisher, and especially a fly fisher in the East, you owe a debt of gratitude to Joe Humphreys.
Not for any one thing. For so very many things. There isn’t an area of fly fishing in which Humphreys isn’t considered an expert.
And for much of that education and interest, Humphreys, like the rest of us, has George Harvey to thank.
Born in 1911, Harvey maintained that he took up fishing to feed his family in DuBois. With that first step, he helped foster the incredible growth of fly fishing in the United States during the 20th century. For nearly 40 years, he taught a credit course on fly fishing at the Pennsylvania State University, where one of his students was a certain Joe Humphreys — who took over at Penn State when Harvey retired.
Before he died March 24 , at age 96, Harvey had fished with presidents, and just folk, on central Pennsylvania’s famed trout streams. A section of one, Spruce Creek, is named for Harvey, as famous in its own right as the stretch of the Letort that always will belong to Charlie Fox and Vince Marinaro.
Make memorial donations to the Joe Humphreys’ Student Angling Fund, with checks payable to The Pennsylvania State University, with ACHAG Fund in the notation. Donations also can be mailed to Mark Belden, Pennsylvania State University, Room 2 Intramural Building, University Park, PA 16802.

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