Pretty Things from HK Fashion Week

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

The 2009 Hong Kong Fashion Week just passed and I found some really pretty items that would work in a wedding setting. In fact, I’d probably wear any of these dresses as a guest to any formal event – they are so pretty. The hair really exemplifies the classic 50’s Audrey Hepburn look. You don’t see that often nowadays.

For 2009, you can see a big trend is short dresses in white and pink pastels with lots of detailing. I’ve also thrown in red Japanese gown because I thought it was a contemporary way to wear an ethnic dress.

However, one thing that irks me about these pictures is the fact that these girls are way to skinny!

Pretty Things from HK Fashion Week

Pretty Things from HK Fashion Week

Pretty Things from HK Fashion Week

{pictures from , , }

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