Presque Isle Snow Day

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Presque Isle Snow Day

Presque Isle Snow Day took place at Presque Isle State Park on Saturday thanks to the Presque Isle Partnership . The Presque Isle Partnership’s counterpart to the Summer Discover Presque Isle event featured teams of sled dogs, ice sculpting, and hikes within the park. There were also wagon rides along with marshmallow roasting and several other family friendly activities.

Presque Isle Snow Day

The lack of snow on the ground didn’t prevent the sled dogs from stretching their legs. Mark and Jennifer Maskin, of Fairview, operate the recreation mushing team of Siberian Huskies known as Red Sky Working Siberians . Mark said, ” With the environment changing more and more to a warmer climate, we’ve been using the dry land sleds a lot of the time.” These dry land sleds are actually a tricycle without peddles. The vehicles weigh only 45 pounds and are constructed of all-aluminum frames. ”  The dog sledding team (fully loaded) is capable of picking up speed very quickly. “We’re able to top out at around 20 mph for 200 yards, before settling into around 10 mph for the long run”, added Maskin. The team travels around the region competing recreationally at events near Warren, Cleveland, and closer to home in Girard.

Presque Isle Snow Day

There were two other dog sledding teams at the exhibition and each group of dogs were chomping at the bit to show their stuff. Visitor’s marveled at the beauty and friendliness of these remarkable animals. Huskies are known to be very energetic and hard working. The breed originated in the Siberian Arctic and were imported to Alaska during the famed gold rushes over a century ago.

Presque Isle Snow Day

Today, Siberian huskies continue to be utilized as sled dogs in the arctic, but have also become family pets and show dogs. Huskies can weigh up to 60 pounds and are known to howl rather than bark.

Presque Isle Snow Day


Erie Ice Works was also on hand to carve up some fun at Presque Isle’s Snow Day. This sculptor is working on a Minion character after finishing an elaborate owl sculpture.


Across from the events, vistors could catch a glimpse of Presque Isle’s ice dunes. These formations are as dangerous as they are interesting. Warnings of danger remind visitors to the park to keep off.

Presque Isle Snow Day

Presque Isle’s Snow Day was a great event that I plan on visiting each year. Hopefully, next year I can take a hike along the park’s interior trails and have a chance to see the snowy owl that has been spotted at Presque Isle State Park in recent years.

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