Wind > Evil

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

So sick of the wind! Yes, I’m whining, and yes, I know you love it! I know it’s only April but I am so ready for summer! We hit almost 80 degrees yesterday so I took out the roadie with my dad for an easy 25 mile ride. It was great, if you exclude the regular 25-35 mph winds. Ridiculous! And today, I was supposed to go mtn biking and the temp is dropping like crazy with insane wind gusts. I guess it is supposed to snow tonight which makes me very sad cause I have tickets to a Rapids game. I think I might freeze. No bueno! Is 75 degrees, calm and sunny too much to ask from April in the Rockies??? I guess so!

Went out with the crew last night and it was so good to see everyone! I haven’t had the chance to see Angel and Ad or Cindy and Craig for awhile, and I haven’t seen Stacey since the hut trip! We tried to go to El Diablo but they kinda were a little sassy so we went to Delite for some drinks and then had dinner at Lala’s . Tasty pizza for sure. Get the pizza called La Forresta if you’re into lots of veggies. It was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!

So I keep hearing a lot of my friends debating between mountain and road bikes. Apparently not so many people love them both equally! I have one friend who rocks down single track like nobody’s business, but the thought of screaming down a mountain pass on a paved road scares him to pieces. Why is that? I was totally caught off guard at this revelation cause I love them equally. Well, that’s a lie. I go in phases. I used to love my roadie way more, but lately I seem to be transferring to my mountain bike. I think it’s cause I like the environment when I’m riding single track more than the traffic that often zooms past you on the road. But I still love them both! Is that so wrong?!

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