Weight lifting is hard. And heavy.

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I know that sounds ridiculous. I mean, isn’t that kind of the point? I can’t help it! I’ve always been a cardio queen but yoga and climbing have been the extent of my strength training….well, that and the 40 lb. bags of compost that I lift at work. Regardless, weights and I haven’t been on the best of terms and I’m really making an effort to get better at it. I’m shooting for twice per week, which probably doesn’t sounds like too much, but with my 5-6 other workout per week, it’s really all I can handle! I’ve been focusing on my upper body, and man am I WEAK!! So embarrassing! What’s even worse is that my left and right arms are totally out of whack. I can literally lift almost twice as much with my right side than I can with my left! I’mright handed but that is ridiculous. I’m a freak show!

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