
17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Yeah, it’s like 6:30 on Friday morning. And yes, I’ve already walked the dog, drank my coffee, done the schedule for the work day….it’s bad. Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day but I didn’t really feel the need to go out and about. Quite honestly, the whole “it’s a pretend holiday so let’s go drink our faces off” mentality seems a little silly to me. Maybe I’m getting old (gasp!) but I just wasn’t having it. Stayed in, did some homework, went for a run, played with Tals, and crashed pretty early. The ANNOYING thing is that I was like an insomniac and could not stay asleep! Finally, around 5:15 this morning I just laid there and thought about everything going on…and then got up. Ridiculously early considering I don’t have to be at the m.s. until 8:30. What can you do, I suppose!

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