Everything Etiquette

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Today we want to kick off a very exciting series that we will be hosting on District Weddings- Everything Etiquette!  Planning your wedding from start to finish should be a wonderful and FUN experience for everyone involved.  However, we completely understand that sometimes the details can get, shall we say… hairy? And let’s face it; nobody likes to get stuck in a position where you are unsure of what is appropriate…

From invitations, rehearsal dinners and brunches, and even to the actual wedding day, there are often speed bumps that need a little clarification. That’s where we come in- on Fridays, District Weddings will be posting answers to all of your wedding etiquette questions. Feel free to ask us anything!  Rules are not always set in stone, and we will always share when there are options that you can consider.

Everything Etiquette Photography Credit: Andrew Reilly

Whether you are planning your own wedding, or have been discussing wedding scenarios with you girlfriends, we look forward to hearing from you- simply post a comment or email me at emily@wordpress.com . See you next Friday for the first of our etiquette series!

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