"Accidental Death Insurance"

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

As you all know, Cindy and I teamed up with Hardcore Water in order to fundraise for First Descents ,  a non-profit located here in Colorado. As a part of racing series, we decided to throw in the Tough Mudder as a “fun” race to participate in during the month of June. Well, we just registered yesterday, and in addition to the “accidental death insurance” that we were required to purchase (they are sooooo not gonna allow you to unclick the box!), we are starting to realize just what we got ourselves into! Luckily, the Colorado race is only 7 miles compared to the other locations where it ranges from 10-12 miles……but it’s all at elevation! Now, I’m a Colorado girl and “at elevation” to me is substantially high! The race, which takes place at Beaver Creek ski resort, starts out at 8,100 feet and tops out at 11,440 feet…..that’s some high-altitude running! In addition to all the running, the list of obstacles is insane! Greased monkey bars over an ice-cold alpine lake, getting blasted with fire hoses as you run through the half-pipe, somehow climbing over 15-foot greased wooden walls…..the list goes on and on! Actually, the three of us are very excited. Take a look at the NYC Tough Mudder below, and if you think we deserve it, please donate a little money to our cause! 🙂

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