Suburban Video

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Life moves so fast that is hard to recall distinct emotions at exact moments, or kind words that a good friend said verbatim. So, it comes at no surprise then that your wedding can flash by in an instant. This is why it is so important to have a great videographer at your wedding, and Suburban Video will not disappoint…

Why would you suggest to a bride and groom that they should hire a videographer in addition to, or instead of, a photographer?

I would never recommend a videographer instead of a photographer. Photography and videography are two of the most important parts of your wedding. Your wedding is a once in a lifetime experience, and after your special day is over, all you have to remember it by, is your wedding video and photographs.

An hour after your wedding you won’t remember what the best man or maid of honor said during their speech or the look you gave your new husband/wife during your vows. You will only have this moment once…you will never be here again. When we are finished with your wedding video it will dance, laugh, smile and cry.

What packages do you offer, and how do you advise a couple as to what is best for their wedding?

We offer everything from a pre-filmed love story, to rehearsal dinner coverage, and/or full or partial wedding day coverage. We customize every package to be as unique as our bride and groom are.  We will work with the client to find a package that will fulfill their needs.

During our consultation, we can determine exactly the amount of hours of coverage they will need. All of our bridal couples receive a long version video that faithfully reflects all of the fun and excitement of their wedding day.

What aspect of the whole process of videography do you enjoy the most?

In short, I enjoy capturing and telling the story of the day. When I capture Dad seeing his daughter for the first time in her wedding dress, or when the groom’s face lights up seeing his bride walking down the isle….these moments define why I’m a wedding videographer.  I look at myself as the historian for this new family. I love knowing that the video I create will be with this family forever and one day will be seen by their kids and grandkids.

How much control does a bride and groom have over the finished product- can they be involved in the editing process?

The bride and groom become involved in the process beginning with the first consultation. Some bridal couples give us creative freedom and others want to make sure everything is captured in a particular way. Every bridal couple is unique, so every video that we produce has to be unique to the personality and style of the couple.

What are some of the more creative and technical approaches that can you incorporate into your videos?

The wedding videography industry has made huge strides over the past few years and a lot of the advancement has come with from new technology and ideas. The first question we ask ourselves when shooting is, “how are we going to tell this story.” We want the story to be creative, yet faithful to the events of the day.

Newer techniques being used include timeshifting, where the days events occur in a non linear format. So, we may start your movie with the groom’s vows then go into the getting ready shots. New equipment that we are now using includes HD DSLR cameras, Steadicams, BluRay Discs and improved audio.

We also offer a “Same Day Edit” where we would shoot and edit the bride and groom getting ready, their ceremony and their first dance and have the finished highlight projected during the reception. It’s been a huge hit and it’s a complete surprise to all of the guests. It’s the “wow factor” for the wedding.

So not to worry! Surround and immerse yourself with love and fun on your wedding day, and with Suburban Video you can freeze, rewind, and replay every moment whenever you want.

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