Bride Blogger Update: Kimberly

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

As promised, here is Kimberly’s final post…This was written 10 days ago – and I am sorry for the delay – but I can tell you that the wedding this past weekend was so very special…you all will have to wait for the details to come but I promise that they will be worth the wait! Congrats Kimberly!


“Now I’ve had the time of my life, No I never felt like this before.  Yes I swear it’s the truth and I owe it all to you.”  From the movie Dirty Dancing.

That line from Dirty Dancing has never rung so true until now.  It seems as if it has been only a few weeks instead 10 months since I started blogging about my wedding planning.  This time sharing details about my wedding has been incredible, and I want to thank the DW readers for reading, sharing their opinions, and providing great advice.  These last few weeks leading up to the big day  been simply amazing.  Let me catch you up on what has been going on.

A few weeks ago, a group of wonderful women decided to honor me with a bridal shower.  My only request for the day was that I wanted to come together with all the women that were special to me and sit, talk an enjoy each others company.

The day was absolutely incredible.  We laughed, talked and ate a wonderful southern meal catered by my MOH’s mom who flew all the way from Houston for the weekend to attend the shower.  Talk about a surprise!

The best part of the day was everyone taking time to share with the group how they came to know me and how much I meant to them.  Having so many people in one room coming together to let you know how much you mean to them was a very humbling experience, and one I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

From there, we went on to the Bachelorette party.  Well, all I will say is this…I had my cake, then I ate it also! My friends certainly know how to show a girl a great time!

I spent the Columbus Day holiday with one of my bridesmaids in NYC for my final dress fitting.  After the fittings we took in the sites of New York.  The weather was beautiful, and we spent lots of time enjoying each other’s company – talking, laughing and shedding a few tears (of happiness) of what’s next to come.

As I write this, I am on the Metroliner train back home to DC.  I know that in 5 short days, I will take my next steps in life – and I am ready.  Being able to find someone to share your life with is such a gift, and I can’t think of a better birthday present than marrying Will.  While I know that nothing in life is guaranteed, I do know that I have found someone that will be by my side to help me navigate whatever comes my way, rain or shine.

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