Summer Bucket List

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

A bunch of us keep talking about all the thing we want to do this summer and always forget about. They either slip our mind or time and life just get away from us and the fun things go to the wayside. Therefore, a bucket list for this summer!!

1. Murder Mystery Dinner Theater
2. Roller Derby Bout
3. Moab Mtn. Biking–I need to show some friends what Slick Rock is all about!
4. Lots and lots of backpacking and camping
5. Panning for gold in Idaho Springs
6. Learn to cook more soups with a crockpot
7. Lots of Rockies/Rapids Games
8. Head down to Shelf and get some climbing in
9. Do one of the multi-day bike tours (in Colorado or elsewhere!)
10. Urban Adventure Race
11. Denver Oyster
12. Complete the 14er conquest
13. Go skydiving! I’ve wanted to do this for years and just haven’t done it yet!
14. Multi-day white water rafting trip
15. Girls trip to Mexico

And now I’m stuck. I can’t remember the rest. I’ll have to add to the list when I remember the rest!!!!!!

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