Oh. My. God

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Chaos reigns. The shit has hit the fan. Life is blowing up. Things are out of control.

I’m sensing that these phrases are going to dominate my life come Monday. New classes start, in addition to the ones I’m already taking. Two day per week will be spent at various schools in the Denver-Metro area. The company has started up again for the season and it already appears as if it will be a busy year. There goes another 40 hours per week! Weekends are booked. Finishing up volunteering at WP only to start a new assignment with adaptive rock climbing in Eldo Canyon. Of course, I do realize that this was a choice and I don’t need to do it but it’s fun. And the kids love it. And that makes me happy 🙂 Throw in those 4 weddings and 4 races that are looming in the next few months (a good 13-miler is quickly approaching in 5 weeks. YIKES!) and I think life has snuck up on me. Oh dear.

Why am I even typing this? I don’t have time! I have plans!! 🙂

PS For anyone that hasn’t had a chance to enjoy 5280’s Restaurant Week , tonight is your last chance! There are some great restaurants on there and with the prices at the set rate, you totally can’t beat it. We went to Q’s at The Boulderado for my birthday on Monday and it was awesome. My parents did Elway’s on Tuesday and McCormick’s tonight, and a group of us are heading over to Braun’s Ristorante tonight to finish it off in style. I love food! 🙂

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