16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Ok, talk about irony. I just wrote that bucket list thing on Sunday morning, right? (Which isn’t done but I don’t have time for that subject right now!) Well, Brad has been talking about this big birthday surprise he has had for me for a bit and somehow managed to keep a secret. He told me to pack a swimsuit, a towel, running shoes, and running tights and we headed out for the surprise. Of course, I am totally curious and can’t figure it out, which was bugging me even more. It was kinda chilly and foggy on Sunday so I was like, why would I need a swimsuit? We finally get up North near the Longmont airport and he looks at me and is like, “I rented a plane, I’m taking you flying!” I was like holy shit, that is so cool, and totally makes sense since he is a pilot. So we get to the airport and are walking around the hangars and stuff, and he takes me over to the office. We walk in the door….and drumroll please…..he is totally a liar!

He took me SKYDIVING!!!!!

Turns out, we were actually at Mile High Skydiving in Longmont! We walk in the door and he looks at me and is like, “By the way, we’re going skydiving. Is that okay?!” I was so surprised and excited and totally in shock at the same time. I’ve had some really good birthday surprises before–a surprise dinner last year with friends, awesome vacations with my family–but this one was awesome. I ended up tandem jumping with an instructor named Mike who was awesome. Another instructor, Emily, had asked if she could jump with us to practice her video filming, and of course, that was cool.

So, we get in this plane and Mike starts telling me about where to put my feet, what to do during free fall if I feel like I can’t breathe, and all the details. The entire time I’m looking at Brad on the other side of the bench like, “Holy shit, I cannot believe you did this!” Turns out, Mike and I are first to jump, so we get to the door of the plane and I start looking down and am like, ummmmm, that is really far! Mike tells me to look at Emily (who is outside of the plane at 14,000 feet, hanging onto the door!) and of course I do, trying to be helpful for her video. Next thing I know, Mike has literally cartwheeled us out of the plane and we are flying through the air at 130 mph!!!! It was seriously one of the coolest things I have ever done! The free fall was so awesome and it was an unbelievable feeling. I even managed to hit a bug or something on the way down cause my neck got all red 🙂

After about 45 seconds of free fall, I pulled the cord and we spent the next five minutes floating towards earth. The view was amazing since it is so close to Longs Peak and North Boulder. Mike let me steer the parachute around, and even showed me how to stall it mid-air which was kinda trippy. He showed me how to land, and we crashed to the ground, smack in the middle of the bullseye. I don’t think I have had that big of smile on my face in a wicked long time, and the adrenaline rush was unforgettable.

Knock that one off the bucket list!

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