Shoot for the Sky….or something

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I’ve been reading a lot about people and their personal goals lately and it has made me think. I got my new Outside magazine last night and I was reading an article about Jordan Romero , a 13-year-old boy who is going to attempt Everest in May. Of course, there is a whirlwind of controversy over this decision, and I have to admit that I can’t quite decide which side of the argument I fall in. On one hand, if the kid can do it and his parents are supportive (they are the rest of his rope team), who am I (or anyone else for that matter) to stand in his way? He probably won’t hurt anyone other than himself….right?

And that’s where the other side of the argument comes into play. Jordan is only 13. I know I was comletely unable to make adult decisions at that age, and I was definitely not under the effects of high-altitude climbing and a severe lack of oxygen. I’m not a doctor, but I imagine this climb could do some serious damage to a kid who is still developing. Not only that, but Everest is a beast. People die on that mountain, and often times, these accidents pull others into their vortex. If Jordan runs into problems up there because of his immaturity and inexperience, there is a good chance he will suck other climbers in. It could be a dangerous situation for anyone on the mountain. I guess my personal jury is still out, but I really hope he comes back alive.

On a completely different area of the spectrum, I read this story a few minutes ago and I’m pretty sure I threw up a little bit. Again, I understand personal goals, and I have sympathy for people who battle obesity (I religiously watch the Biggest Loser on Tuesdays when I’m not in class!) However, trying to gain this much mass simply to hold a world record is nauseating. What about her kids? She is purposely forcing herself closer and closer to an early grave with absolutely no regard for her children. It’s incredibly selfish and totally ridiculous. Actually, it makes me really angry!

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