Stupid People

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

In the past week, I have encountered more than my fair share of REALLY STUPID PEOPLE. And mean people. Some have not been first person encounters but rather mean people doing mean things to people that I love, and in the process, scaring the hell out of me AND them. We’re not going there right now. But where I am going is with the stupid people who 1) Hacked into my parent’s email account last night, sending some ridiculous Sony laptop spam email to everyone in their mailbox, and 2) the different stupid person in a Pennsylvania prison who randomly connected the numbers on our company credit card and went to town on a spending spree (Well, not really…he made hundreds of dollars in long distance calls out of prison, but when he tried to buy himself a bunch of new stuff at Target and various other online retailers, he got denied….can’t say Visa didn’t try their best. Maybe the phrase “outgoing from prison” gave it away to the friendly telemarketer?) WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

Ok, I guess if I am being logical and rational, I can’t blame the prisoner. Apparently, according to Visa, that happens all the time. After all, what else do prisoners do with the 23 hours of the day that aren’t spent outside? And I can’t blame him for wanting to buy stuff…that at least makes sense. But the email thing last night? It is totally in broken English and so crystal clear apparent that it is NOT from anyone in the Balogh family. Do people really think it will go unnoticed? And if that isn’t their intention. . . what is? I don’t get it.

And then, while I’m on a roll here….. look at this stupidity . Not the fact that he quit–I love that! But the fact that this stuff still happens is absolutely ridiculous! I’m sorry, but I wasn’t aware that a Justice of the Peace had any right to determine who could and could not get married. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Totally irritates me and I’m working myself into quite a frenzy here.

I guess my bottom line of this entire tirade is that I must not understand people anywhere near as well as I thought I did. Why would you do any of this nonsense? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!

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