Let’s Wrap this Up!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

How great was this week? Well, it’s time to wrap things up in case you missed some posts from the week. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to create an inspiration board as I wanted. Too many goreous weddings to fit in! Next week, I promise.

But before I jump into the wrap-up, I want to show you something that I came across recently. If you know me personally, you’ll know that I love love love love love love love love love….acrylic. So I can’t help but swoon over the decor from the latest Absolut party which was full of sparkling, custom chandeliers, candles gallore, cobalt wineglasses, and ghost chairs. Now, aside from the floral centerpieces with the tacky Absolut bottles placed in them, I think this table’s pretty stellar. Cobalt wineglasses have to be a favorite of mine, after seeing them at our local Zinc restaurant in Edmonton. I ended up finding some really pretty ones at Pier 1 Imports and use them as water glasses because I can! :]

Let’s Wrap this Up!

{images: bizbash }

Lovelies you might have missed this week…

Meet our new sponsors: Love+Design , Awespiring Weddings & Get Married in Banff
A sweet couple with a love of fast cars!
A charming Vancouver wedding
A gorgeous modern wedding in Banff, Alberta
Vibrant wedding with teacup centerpieces

Coming up
Next week is jam-packed with some real weddings and FINALLY, an inspiration board..this time I promise!

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