Introducing..the Wedding Obsession Gallery!

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I am jumping in my boots excited to share with you the gallery I’ve been working oh so hard on these past few weeks. You asked for a gallery in my last annual survey and here it is ! Well, to be exact, look up on the top pink toolbar above, next to “resources” and the facebook link.

This is your opportunity to basically go through the enormous amount of images I’ve gathered since 2008, including real weddings, photoshoots and other wedding inspiration. Likely, you haven’t been around since the very beginning, so a lot of the images will be new to you. And if for chance you have been around since 2008, then kudos and I’m so glad you’ve stuck around this little joint ;)

Most often, when I share a real wedding or photoshoot, I don’t get to include each and every image that’s sent to me. So this is your chance to see ones that couldn’t make the cut due to space restrictions.

Right now there are over 1700 images and the gallery is separated into various categories (eg: bouquets, centerpieces, groom etc.)

But you can also view it by:

wedding style (modern, rustic, DIY etc.)
location (by Canadian province and international)

Once you choose your category you’re led to a bunch of thumbnails. Likely, you’ll see multiple pages of thumbnails which you can scroll through by clicking the different pages at the bottom of each thumbnail page (see below).

Introducing..the Wedding Obsession Gallery!

To see the image in detail, just click on your thumbnail of choice and it will show up in a larger format. Underneath the image you’ll see the photographer credits, a link to the original feature post and other areas where the image is categorized (see below).

Introducing..the Wedding Obsession Gallery!

Feel free to use the “back” and “next” buttons to move through images within the category you’ve chosen. And of course, click “back to thumbnails” to see the entire list all over again.

I’ll be updating it often and images from new posts will be added as they are published.

This is definitely something I’ve been looking forward to having for Wedding Obsession. I hope this helps you plan your weddings!

– Melissa

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