Contemporary Black Lace Details

16:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I have a love for contemporary and modern weddings. I’m sure you all know that. And according to my last reader survey, so do you! So when you think of lace, does it immediately scream “vintage”? You’d be surprised how modern lace can actually be, if used in the right amounts and paired with other clean and streamlined decor. Rather than covering your entire table with a lace linen, why not wrap a single strand of black lace around your centerpiece vase for that added touch? Another detail I adore is the stems of bouquets wrapped in lace. Black definitely adds a contemporary edge to the overall are a couple of details to show it off.

Contemporary Black Lace Details

{Images: Dress*: Revolve Clothing | bouquet: wedding window | cake: real simple weddings | belt*: Little White Dresser on etsy]
*available for purchase during the creation of this feature

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