Guest Post/New Trend: Fascinating Floral Fascinators

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I became completely enthralled with fascinators last year after seeing the trend taking off on no other site than the one-and-only Wedding Obsession . I think what’s really helped them take off as a trend though, was this years Royal Wedding! Considering the trend, I wanted to figure out a way to apply it to bouquets. So, I came up with the idea of the Fascinating Floral Fascinator. I think this is a fabulous way to complement the overall look that the bride may already be styling.

One of the important elements in design is lines. Lines help carry an observer’s eyes from one point in a design through to the next. Creating a complementary floral fascinator to one worn in the bride’s hair is a great way to create a line – a line drawing ones eye from the gorgeous face of the bride, down to her stunning dress and right into the delicate florals chosen to complement her day. I think this is a great way to help your guests take in the entire effect of your look, both with ease and simplicity.

Here are some ideas of fascinators from simple and clean to the more fanciful!

Guest Post/New Trend: Fascinating Floral Fascinators

Guest Post/New Trend: Fascinating Floral Fascinators

[Images Above] This Floral Fascinator was made with a simple costume broach purchased at a local craft store along with a variety of feathers and goose biots. Add a splash of tulle, and you’ve got a great little piece that can later be kept as a pin (sans the tulle) for your winter coat! What a great way to remember your special day!

Guest Post/New Trend: Fascinating Floral Fascinators

[Images Above] This was created for the bride who loves the richness of a red and black wedding. To add some additional colour, a flower made from trimmed peacock feathers accented with goose biots, and a touch of black marabou was added to the bouquet. Again, I added a splash of tulle to complement a tulle piece that may be worn by the bride.

Guest Post/New Trend: Fascinating Floral Fascinators

[Images Above] The last creation is a glamorous white piece made with simple white feathers. The most fun was making the smaller flower. I have to say; white is not the best shade to photograph (hint: pure white bouquets do NOT photograph well – perhaps a topic for a future post). Although the detail is a little lost in this one, the glamour is not. Again, the best part about this fascinator piece is your ability to keep it after the wedding and change it into something you can use over and over again, even as an accessory for your hair. Not only is it extremely versatile, but it also serves as a GREAT memory of your wedding day that can be used regularly and not left to clutter your home! What a better thing to hear than, “I love that broach! Where did you get it?” Your answer: “It was a custom piece from my wedding bouquet.” Ah, then the swoons follow!

Although, I have to say that the best part of these floral fascinators is that I made them all for less than $5 a piece. I’m sure if you were to go to a florist and ask for one to be made, your cost would be more than $5! If you’re feeling crafty, try experimenting with a glue gun and use your imagination, just as I did. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Jennifer* of Akiko Floral Artistry Inc.

Credits (Edmonton & Area Vendors)
Photography: Capture It! Photography
Flowers & Fascinators: Akiko Floral Artistry Inc.

* Jennifer shares a floral themed post the 1st Tuesday of every month

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