The Soul to be FIT!

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to ride with Natalia Millan, an amazing bride-to-be and instructor at Soul Cycle and BOY are we sore today! We sat down with Natalia to learn a bit more about her current planning state + her secret to success. I can sure say after chatting with her and experiencing her class, she sure has the soul to be fit! We wish her the very best in the coming months before she walks down the aisle. We hope her tips help each of you, as you prepare for the big day too!

1. Can you explain to our readers your sense of balance?

Do you feel it is important to work out every single day, just because you are walking down the aisle in a dress?

For me balance is a little different because I workout for a living! I am a firm believer that you should feel and look good even if you are not getting married. That’s where I find my balance; making my workouts and “diet” part of my ongoing routine. I have however modified my workout and diet a little to give me an extra kick for my short engagement.

2. When you do work-out and plan your work-outs, what are you focusing on?

Tightening everything!! Teaching at SoulCycle I have the great fortune that I get all my cardio in while at work ;) So I look for more toning workouts that focus on smaller muscles to cross train. But, I am working extra hard on my arms as dress is sleeveless – a little more definition can’t hurt, right?

3. Do you feel that working out, give you a sense of calmness and takes you away from “wedding planning stress?”

I do!!! I think anytime I’m stressed its the perfect fuel to push more. I feel like my classes are harder when I’m stressed, it almost drives me to be more in the moment, and forget the long list of to-do’s I have waiting at home.

4. Tell us what you are most excited for when it comes to the actual wedding day?

I am really excited for the moment when we will say “I do” surrounded by our families and close friends. And I cannot wait to see Matt’s face when I start walking down the aisle.

5. And of course… what [about the wedding] are you most nervous about?

I am nervous about something going wrong. Like a vendor not showing up, or delivering the wrong items! But I try not to spend too much time thinking about that!

6. Can you give us a quick 5 tips on your go-to exercises/go-to classes in the district, that help you stay and be a fit bride?

I have to say SoulCycle, because it is what I owe my physique to. It’s a fantastic full body workout with a large dose of cardio! For cross training, I incorporate workouts that focus on strengthening and stretching. I’ll throw in a mix of barre, pilates reformer and yoga classes.

If you are looking for the ultimate workout (and stress reliever,) we say look no further. Soul Cycle has tons of locations and amazing instructors just like Natalia that can help you everyday, especially when preparing for your big day!

See you on the bike!

The Soul to be FIT!

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