Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Today’s feature is a super sweet Calgary engagement with an absolutely adorable couple thanks to Angela Cheung Photography .

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

How They Met (from Angela’s perspective):

Danielle was meeting a fellow co-worker at a bar for an improptu date one evening. As she waited for him to arrive – she received a text saying that he had gone home already. Boooo….getting stood up is never a good story, right?! As she gets up to leave…she runs into another co-worker who insisted she stay to have drinks with him and his friend, Nick. After much persuasion, she decided to give in and stay. Her and Nick instantly clicked and was pretty much one of those love at first sights! Fast forward 5 years and I can still feel the connection they described they had since that fateful chance years ago! Now that’s a good story! They’re just way too cute together and I can’t wait for their wedding in August!!

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

Sweet Outdoor Love Session from Angela Cheung Photography

The Proposal (from the bride):

We were travelling across Canada and the U.S last fall and were stopped in Chicago for 2 nights. On the second night, after an amazing day of exploring the city, we stopped in at the little italian restaurant where we basically had the place to ourselves. We enjoyed a lovely meal and a bottle of wine and after dinner Nick suggested he take a picture of me. I agreed, and when Nick reached in to his pocket to pull out his phone, he instead pulled out a beautiful ring and held it up and said “Maybe you should wear this in the picture?” After asking if he was joking several times and leaving my state of disbelief I hugged and kissed him….and realized I hadn’t said yes yet! so I yelled “Oh….YES YES YES!!!!”. I spent the rest of the night as giddy as a child on Christmas…

We ended up keeping it a secret for the rest of our trip until we had arrived in Calgary to announce it to Nick’s Family. Turns out my parents had already known as Nick had very sneakily asked for their permission before we left Ontario.

It’s not the most romantic of stories lol but it suited us just fine!

Congrats you two!

Photos: Angela Cheung Photography

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