Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Today’s wedding captured by Tia Kristina Photography is filled with personality and it’s all uniquely characteristic of the bride & groom. Straight from the Red hunter boots (love!), a donut tower cake, red converse shoes and loads of other cute details. In fact, if you look really closely at the bouquet, you’ll notice the bride had the words “Shazam, Pow, Bam, Kaboom!” scattered throughout her bright and gorgeous bouquet.

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography
Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

Personality Filled Wedding from Tia Kristina Photography

This was one of those weddings that really stood apart from the rest.
When you shoot almost 30 weddings a season you feel like you’ve seen it all, but unless you’ve met Maddy & Chris and their families, I assure you….. you haven’t! These are two of the coolest, most unique individuals I have ever met.

I love weddings, don’t get me wrong– all weddings– but there is something SO refreshing when a wedding is unique and tailored perfectly to the couple. When certain traditions are honoured, but everything (and I mean everything) has a personal stamp on it. Maddy and Chris’ wedding day personifies what I am talking about… From the attire, to the red Hunter boots, to the donut tower, to the little flags in Maddy’s bouquet spelling out awesome words like, “Shazam, Pow, Bam, Kaboom!”, to the handwritten vows in a vintage copy of The Great Gatsby, to the Converse shoes on Maddy’s father’s feet with matching red bow tie, to the readings of great authors read by Chris’ sisters, to the best toast I have ever heard from the Groom’s grandfather, to the word bubbles depicting lines from classic films and kitschy modern cinema…… everything about this wedding was SO uniquely THEM.
If you aren’t lucky enough to meet them, their wedding day sure gives you a glance inside the souls of these two profoundly awesome people.

Photographer: Tia Kristina Photography
Favors and Gifts: Sweet Flour
Makeup Artist: The Beauty Team
Restaurant: Archeo Restaurant

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