Culture Clash and Wedding Activities

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Culture Clash and Wedding Activities
Only 1.5 months left until the big day! Looking back on the wedding planning process, one of the things I did not anticipate was the cultural differences in expectations for wedding-related stuff, some of which I’ve already discussed in a previous post .

For example, there’s no such thing as a bridal shower and a rehearsal dinner in Chinese culture, so the invitations to these events left my parents scratching their heads.

“What is a shower?” she asked. “What do you do?”

My maid of honour is organizing the shower so I have no idea what she has in store for me. All I know is the time and location! It’s strange for her to sit around while I open gifts. It’s a totally foreign concept to her. Same with the rehearsal dinner.

“What is there to rehearse?” she asked. “Why do we have a dinner?”

I never thought I might have to explain these wedding activities! But you know what? I realized they are just traditions that have been passed on, and have little purpose in the modern day world. Did you know that bridal showers were originally thrown because the bride’s family couldn’t afford a dowry? And why aren’t men invited? Don’t they deserve some gifts too?

As for the rehearsal, I totally understand why you might want to go over the ceremony with the marriage officiant, but why do we have to have an entirely separate party for close family and friends just a day before the wedding?

I love that my mom questions these traditions because it makes me think harder about them too. Of course I’ll love getting together with friends and family and receiving gifts, but is it really necessary? Of course not! All wedding traditions are cultural, what is “normal” to one culture is totally strange to another.

Have you experienced any culture clashes in your wedding? Tell me in the comments below!

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