Waterfowl migration report for Dec. 3

02:17 Steampunk 0 Comments

The western Pennsylvania waterfowl migration report for Dec. 3 from Avery Pro-Staff member David Rearick:

Location: Mercer.
Weather: Clear skies and seasonal temperatures.
Snow cover: A small amount in some areas and bare in others.
Water conditions: Good, rising with the rain and melting snow. Many areas though are starting to lock up with ice.
Feeding conditions: Excellent, plenty of waste grain and corn in the cut fields. Things are looking good for the wintering birds.
Species and numbers: Good numbers of geese abound along with a smattering of ducks centralized in some areas.
Migrations: None to speak of with the current weather conditions.
Season stage: The season is in full swing.
Hunting report: Hunting has been good, as many guys have decided to try for deer instead of waterfowl. If you get out and scout, there are opportunities available.
Gossip: With the weather change, birds have been feeding regularly and are very huntable. Find the birds and you are set for a good hunt the next morning.

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