Verdugo Mountain Blooms

07:45 Steampunk 0 Comments

I had a late start on Sunday, but it was so gorgeous outside that I still wanted to get a few trail miles in, so I headed up to the southern end Verdugo Mountains between Glendale and Burbank for a quick trek up the Beaudry Fire Road.

I was surprised to see that the area along both the north and south roads have several patches of very nice wildflower blooms — and a few more that look like they’ll be ready to pop any day, now.

Verdugo Mountain Blooms

Verdugo Mountain Blooms

My full write up might not be posted for a little while, but if you’ve got some free time, head to the intersection of Beaudry Road and Beaudry Terrace in Glendale and just head on up the fire roads!

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