Outdoor Retailer Wrap Up: Day 2-4

17:10 Steampunk 0 Comments

20,000+ members of the outdoor industry floated in, floated out, and are satisfied with another successful show at the rapidly growing Outdoor Retailer Trade Show. Outdoor Retailer Wrap Up: Day 2-4

After the memorable drive into the desolate Utah desert landscapes, the Ruffwear team continued to impress by pulling off another great show. Meanwhile, they maintained a steady stream of emails to those of us back in Bend filled with quirky quotes, photos, and everything else that makes this team click, laugh, and repeat.

Outdoor Retailer Wrap Up: Day 2-4
Nice sunglasses team! Ruffwear see, Ruffwear do?

Another great part of Outdoor Retailer is connecting with some of our Ambassadors like Dean Potter and the ever-adorable Whisper.

Outdoor Retailer Wrap Up: Day 2-4

As the hours of Outdoor retailer roll by, hundreds of enthusiastic fans sift in and out of the Ruffwear booth. From the familiar tails of RW Ambassadors stopping in, to Frisbee-loving pups showing off their ‘old’ and ‘new’ Hovercrafts, the Ruffwear history rides strong.

Outdoor Retailer Wrap Up: Day 2-4

In the end, we left Salt Lake City with full smiles ready for the next leg of our journey at the Wasatch Backcountry Rescue School training.

Look for more on the avalanche and helicopter rescue training from our team as the week goes on!

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