Niagara Engagement from Alexandra Photography
Oh how much do I love the beautiful spring blooms. Alexandra Photography shares Evan and Jocelyn’s lovely session among the gorgeous orchards in full bloom followed by a walk on the beach. They’ll be getting married the summer of 2014.
How did you two meet?
So where do we begin… Evan and I have been dating now for over six years and by the time we are married (the Lord willing) we will be well past seven years together! We met during our high school years. I was in ninth grade at Eden High School and Evan was in tenth grade at Beacon Christian High School. We were officially introduced (by a mutual friend) one summer evening at a group hangout. He took me for a ride on a golf cart through some orchards where we had a chance to talk and get to know each other. I felt like I could be myself around him (and not to mention he had the most beautiful blue eyes that I had ever seen). He was quite shy at first but soon began to open up and feel comfortable. He once told me that when he first met me he never met a girl who was so bubbly and adorable. Things got even better when we found out that we literally lived on the same street! We would go for “secret” walks through our neighbourhood during the week because we didn’t want our parents knowing we were seeing each other so often. It was on our walks that we learned a lot about each other, our families, our friends, our dreams, our church life, our interests, and our embarrassing childhood memories. Eventually our parents caught on to our “secret” walks… realizing that they weren’t just meant for exercise. Turns out one of our favourite walking spots would end up being the place for his proposal!
Tell us about the proposal:
A couple years ago I had told Evan that it was my dream to be proposed to at night while the snow was falling. Turns out he has a pretty good memory. During his winter break from school at McMaster University Evan and I went ring shopping so I had an idea that he was going to pop the question soon. It was Christmas Day and after a long day of him leading me on and fooling me all day he took me for a late night walk in the snowfall around my neighbourhood. Now one of my favorite spots is this long wooden archway that has vines growing all around it that has a different beauty in all the seasons. We were walking under it and we began to tell each other how much we loved one another and suddenly he was on one knee asking me to marry him! Pretty sure I woke up the neighbourhood because I screamed so loud! Happiest night of my life by far!
Tell us about your wedding plans!
We do not have a date set in stone yet but we know that we want a summer wedding! I have a lot of different ideas in mind but my favorite so far is a rustic country look. We are looking into finding an old refurbished barn and decorating it with a huge amount of creamy white flowers such as hydrangeas, peonies, lilys, and roses! I want to decorate the chairs with a simple white bow and have candles lit throughout the room. I love the look of strings of pictures strung across walls of our relationship, with sparkling lights across the ceiling and behind the head table linens. The colour we hope to have in our wedding party is a coral colour. The girls in a solid floor length dresses, my maid of honour will either have a sparkly sash/belt or some sort of head piece in her hair so she stands out! The guys in white shirts black suits and solid coral ties and Evans best man will hopefully have a different tie to set him apart as well. Evan will be in a simple black suit with black tie and me of course in white! To top off our night we hope to do Chinese lanterns as our favours which Evan and I and guests will light at the end of the night! We cannot wait for our big day!!!
Photography: Alexandra Photography
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