more from New England

17:25 Steampunk 0 Comments

Since my last post New England has still been getting a bunch of rain and the Patriots are still winning games. I've pretty much creeked and played a couple days each week so far this Fall. I also have been getting ready for winter. We had a logger drop off a truck load of logs about 60 in our driveway. I've lived in VT for 5 years now and decided it's about time I learn how to use a chainsaw so I did. I've cut and split about 10 logs so far and have a lot more to go. Luckily I don't need them all done this winter just a few more and we'll be set with fire wood for the winter.

The forecast has some more rain predicted so I'll get to boat some more before it's gets to cold. I also just got a GoPro so I'll get more video of creeking and river running.

Here's a video of Dummerchuck on the West River in VT from this week.

Till next time,

Elaine Campbell

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