Ice, ice maybe

18:05 Steampunk 0 Comments

From an Erie-bound prop plane flying out of Cleveland the afternoon of Dec. 23, Lake Erie appeared to be putting itself in shape for an ice-over. Wisps of ice just off the Cleveland lakeshore gave way to great but thin sheets mashing their corners into each other in the Central Basin. When the plane emerged from the clouds just west of Erie, those sheets were gone, but ice boulders of all sizes bobbed in the waves, and Presque Isle Bay was all but frozen over. At first glance, the shooting blind at the head of the bay looked like the first fishing shanty of the season.
Of course rain and higher temperatures did away with the ice, and with it any thought anglers had of early ice fishing on the bay. Rain is in the forecast again for Sunday, along with a high temperature of 40. Not until the end of the first full week of January, when the Weather Channel predicts at least four straight days of temperatures sticking in the mid-20s, is there reason to get excited again about ice cover.
In the meantime, take a look for yourself at the National Ice Center analysis for Lake Erie or elsewhere around the Great Lakes, or check out CoastWatch from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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