Hike and ski at Erie Bluffs State Park

02:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

Little-visited Erie Bluffs State Park in Lake City is a perfect destination Friday and Saturday for hikers and skiers.

A naturalist from Presque Isle State Park will lead a 2-mile Bluffs After Dark hike from 6-7:30 p.m. Friday. It’s for hikers age 10 and older. There’s no registration fee.

For information, call Ray Bierbower at 833-0793 or e-mail him at edbierbowe@state.pa.us.

On Saturday, strap on the skis for a guided cross country ski tour of the park from 10 a.m. to noon. Registration is required; call Emily Borcz at 838-2454 or e-mail her at eborcz@state.pa.us.

Meet at the Bluffs parking lot off Route 5 for each event.

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