Hello from Madrid!

17:00 Steampunk 0 Comments

I´m in an internet cafe in Madrid and I know it´s sad, but even on my honeymoon, I felt like I had to check up on the site and give a quick update. My husband (feels weird to say it) was gracious enough to let me do that!

Barcelona was amazing although we didn´t get much sleep because the hotel beds were horrid! So beautiful and vibrant was the city. Coffee here is so strong haha. They call our coffee “dirty water” ..

Malta was also BEAUTIFUL. I was hoping for more from the blue lagoon in comino but with barely any beach, I was a bit disappointed. But there is so much history here and it was breath-taking to see things dated 2400 BC.

So now we´re in madrid and we are loving it. But it´s SO hot. It´s been about 34 degrees everyday and you have to stop into an air conditioned shop just to stop yourself from melting. Reminds me a lot of hong kong but without the humidity.

That is all for now and hopefully I can get back to blogging right when I get back. Thanks again to all those who have guest blogged during the time I was away – Smartbride Boutique and Clockwork Wedding Productions!

Happy Planning…and PS the wedding was great! I cannot wait to share the pictures with you when I get them.

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