Gun of the Week: Mossberg Brownie Pepperbox .22

18:44 Steampunk 0 Comments

Gun of the Week: Mossberg Brownie Pepperbox .22

My personal Mossberg Brownie, .22 rimfire, date: ca 1919/1920

So today I thought I’d shake things up. Every week, I write about guns from the Cody Firearms Museum collection, but this time, I wanted to talk about one of my personal firearms, a Mossberg Brownie Pepperbox Pistol.

I have written on other sites about my dream of owning a Brownie. And most collectors quickly respond with, “Why?” I was initially and superficially drawn to the name and looks of the gun. I first saw it in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Firearms Collection and then encountered several in the Cody Collection. It’s not the most collectable firearm, but I thought it was cool. Finally, seven years later, I received a pre patent Brownie as a birthday present from my boyfriend. Mad props to him because I was so excited I burst into tears. I’m a girl; I know.

Gun of the Week: Mossberg Brownie Pepperbox .22

This little pistol packs quite a bit of history for the Mossberg Company.  It was the first firearm that O.F. Mossberg & Sons made at their New Haven plant, manufactured from 1919 to 1932. I’m sure a lot of contemporary fans of Mossberg may not know about this little pistol, but it’s neat to showcase the diversity of companies as they evolve, especially since Mossberg approaches their 100th anniversary in 2017.

To see the previous Gun of the Week—Wesson & Leavitt Belt Revolver— click here . Stay tuned for a new gun next Wednesday . For more information, check out the Cody Firearms Museum page here , or follow the Cody Firearms Museum on Facebook and Twitter .

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