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21:58 Steampunk 0 Comments

You’ve seen nice photos on Flickr.

You’ve seen good tutorials on shot composition.

Now you’ll see a complete, ten-part primer on the basics and advanced techniques of taking good pictures in every situation.

The slightly-old pages at MorgueFile take you through shutter speed, aperture, camera filters, and – of course – a detailed look at nature photography. Courtesy of freelance photographer Jodie Coston .

While the basic lessons have old post dates, each lesson has a fairly active forum of ‘students’ who post their questions and their snapshots for critiquing and assistance. And there are more comprehensive updated lessons on composition and motion.

It’s a good way to brush up your photography knowledge, or a helpful explainer of odd-sounding things like f-stop and polarization for enthusiastic point-and-shooters who want to take their pictures to the next level.

The nature section’s got some great tips on getting clear shots in bad weather and layering photos with different exposures to get snappy-lookin’ sunsets.

To the best of my knowledge, the University of Phoenix Online is not involved in this.

Via Lifehacker .

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