Brazil Prepares For 2014 World Cup With Free English Classes For Prostitutes

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Brazil Prepares For 2014 World Cup With Free English Classes For Prostitutes

Image via Helga Weber

English is the new language of love, at least in Brazil . In order to prepare for the English-speaking tourists that will undoubtedly be traveling to Brazil in 2014 for the World Cup, prostitutes are signing up for free English classes that will be offered by the regional Association of Prostitution beginning in March. While 20 prostitutes have already signed up, the association is expecting at least 300.

“Across Brazil, lots of businesses in the private sector are getting prepared and making their workers more qualified for the Cup. Well, this is a profession, too,” Cida Vieira, the president of the association, told CNN in a telephone interview.

Read the full story on CNN .

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