Win Our Biggest Caption Contest Prize Package Ever From Cabela’s, Part II
As Hurteau noted in the last caption contest, our friends at Cabela’s are celebrating the company’s 50th anniversary. They have, in fact, been celebrating for a couple of months already and say they are going to keep it up all year, showing the kind of stamina it takes to make it to the top. And in their stupor--I mean excitement--they have mistakenly--I mean generously--agreed to shower you all with another incredible prize package. This round, the winner will receive this handsome rifle case; a 48” hand-sewn Boyt, with a dry-wax canvas exterior, cotton batting padding, and a micro-suede lining (retail value: $90).
In addition,10 runners-up will each be the proud owner of one of these snappy Cabela’s 50th Anniversary hats. (hat photo here)
So here’s your photo below from the See It Or Not website . A little campy, obviously photo-shopped, but still rife with possibilities. So have at it folks, come up with a caption that best captures this scene (as studied by our subcommittee, debated, and eventually voted on by the full committee) and you could have a sweet new case for that deer rifle...or at least a cool lid for hanging around camp.
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