Open Fire: QDMA’s Kip Adams Answers Your Questions

06:47 Steampunk 0 Comments

APR may be the three most controversial letters in deer hunting, judging by Scott Bestul’s last post . If not, they’re probably QDM. There’s no question that quality deer management has changed the face of deer hunting over the last couple of decades. But there are plenty of other questions:

Is QDM good for deer hunting?
Is it really all about big bucks, and nothing else?
Is it realistic for the average hunter?
What precisely is QDM?
What is it not?

I suspect you have plenty of your own questions, and graciously agreeing to sit in the hot seat and answer them is Kip Adams, Northern Director of Education and Outreach with the Quality Deer Management Association’s (  An avid hunter and certified wildlife biologist, Adams has a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Penn State University and an M.S. in Wildlife from the University of New Hampshire.

Open Fire: QDMA’s Kip Adams Answers Your Questions

So fire away. What do you want to know about QDM or the QDMA? Post your questions in the comments section of this post. Obviously, Adams can’t answer them all, so we’ll pick the best and ask him to respond. (You can help us choose by giving a +1 to the ones you feel are the best.)  –Dave Hurteau


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